Every business owner knows that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. But did you also know that people form all of their relationships based on the know, like, and trust factor?
Establishing a relationship occurs in 3 steps:
- When you encounter someone new, an energetic attraction to the other person occurs. That is the Like factor. If there is little or no energetic attraction chances are there will be no connection and thus, no real relationship. You simply won’t be interested.
- If a connection is established, the next step is a period of listening, watching, conversing, and interacting to explore the other person and get to Know them. This can happen in one conversation or can take more time depending on the relationship being explored. The deeper the relationship and the more vulnerable the other person must be, the longer this phase can take.
- Finally, over time and based on the way a person’s words, actions, and energy align, Trust begins to form. If there is misalignment between what a person says, does, and the energy you naturally feel from them, there will be a feeling of mistrust created because inauthenticity is detected.
This all happens naturally and much of it subconsciously. Whether you are right in front of someone, across the room, writing an email, or even on a video call, others can feel your energy. People can tell if you are likeable, and they sense if you are trustworthy. They feel it. They may not even be aware of what they are feeling, but if they feel something is off, it can prevent them from wanting to explore a relationship with you. You feel it too.
Have you ever met someone and had an instant connection? You immediately hit it off and felt like you already knew them. It took no time at all to build a relationship and to trust them. The opposite can happen too. You can encounter someone that you don’t connect with, don’t care to explore a relationship with, or even move away from in a meeting or conversation because their energy just doesn’t feel right to you.
This is because of your personal energetic blueprint which is found in our Human Design Chart. Each of us has a Human Design Energy Type and corresponding energies that make up who we are. If our energetic blueprint helps to complete some open-ended circuitry in another person’s energetic blueprint, there will be an instant attraction because it feels good to have your circuitry completed. This is true regardless of the type of relationship, business, friendship, or romantic.
Energetic attraction doesn’t always mean the relationship will be a good one or one you want to pursue. Have you ever been attracted to someone, but the relationship never formed, or it didn’t take long to discover you weren’t compatible?
When we want to build a trusted relationship, especially a business relationship, we need to increase our know, like, and trust factor. Business is all about relationships. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, the business is you. People are buying you. You have a unique energetic blueprint, your Human Design. Without knowing your design, you continue to create and run your business and build your relationships the way we are all told to. Sometimes that guidance does not align with your sacred wiring. That results in you unconsciously hiding behind an energetic mask that prevents your right clients from connecting and being attracted to you and your services because they don’t see the authentic you. When you’re hiding who you truly are, your clients can’t get to know you, like you, and will find it harder to trust you.
Here are 2 Ways to Increase Your Know, Like, and Trust Factor Energetically
Be Authentic, Be You. The first thing to do is to be authentic. We throw that word around a lot but in terms of your energy what we mean is that what people see, and feel is what they should get. In other words, your words and your actions must be aligned with the energy they feel from you. It’s energetic integrity. People want the real you. How can they decide about you or trust you if they get mixed messages from you?
As an example, in business we are taught how to BE a business owner and what to do to be successful. This is particularly true in sales. But most of the sales trainings are geared toward those with initiating Human Design energy which is only about 9% of the population. That is why sales feels uncomfortable for many businessowners and consumers don’t want to be “sold to”. The public attitude about salespeople is that they are pushy and will say anything to get the sale. Salespeople are taught to put on the “successful sales” persona when dealing with consumers and it lowers their like and trust factor.
We’ve been taught in business to hide some of our personal characteristics because they are not valued in business. Characteristics like nurturing, compassion, empathy, and the soft skills, have traditionally been less valued in business. When those characteristics are part of who we are and we are not using them because it is frowned upon, it forces us to wear a mask and be inauthentic. Over time being forced to be someone you are not, can make you weary, less enthusiastic, even burnt out. People will feel that you are depleted and that decreases your know, like, and trust factor.
The problem for most of us is that years of conditioning tells us who to be and how to act, even what to wear and has taught us to push our true selves into the background. We may have even forgotten some of our juiciness. It is important for each of us to rediscover ourselves so we can be comfortable going through life and operating our businesses authentically. The best way to build relationships is take off all the artificial personas we are told to wear and simply be yourself. That is true authenticity and that gives others a clear view of you. The energy they feel from you then matches what you say, how you say it, and your actions. That alone can increase your know, like, and trust factor quickly.
Raise Your Frequency. Your energy that is critical to the know, like, and trust equation. When you choose to be someone you are not for a long period of time it can lower your energy’s frequency. If you live in a lower expression of your energies, it can make you negative, critical, judgmental, selfish, even lower your own sense of value, and lovability. Simply, you are not the best version of yourself. When you are living in the lower expression of your energy, people feel this, and it can impact whether they want to get to know you.
It is possible to raise your frequencies by understanding the low and the high expression of each of your energies and then assessing where you fall on the scale for that energy. Once you identify areas where you want to increase your energetic frequencies, you can begin to change your thoughts and behaviors to live into the unlimited potentials that exist in your chart. You just need to know what they are.
For example, the energy a Projector energy type has is very insightful. They can see the pain and potentials in others as well as the path to solutions. But if the projector shares this information without being invited to, they can put people off and push them away. If they don’t manage this aspect of their energy and constantly repel people, they can become bitter and burnt out on life. Just understanding this one characteristic of their energy type, can help a Projector increase their know, like, and trust factor, allowing them to give their gifts to the world, and enhance the number and quality of relationships in their life.
Increase your know, like, and trust factor by living authentically and living the highest expression of the energies that make up your Human Design.