You came into the world Divinely designed with a life purpose, a set of skills/talents to support you in achieving your purpose, and four prime gifts that are your Pillars of Genius. Many of us live out our life purpose through our businesses or our careers. Yet, it is not always clear what your life purpose is and how it translates to your life’s work. I often get the question, “What am I here to do? How do I know my Life Purpose?” when people are contemplating a change around what they do to earn a living as a business owner or an employee.
Your Life Purpose and Your Pillars of Genius
Your Life Purpose and Pillars of Genius can be found in your Human Design Chart. Your Life Purpose is more about how you are living your life than what you do. You can successfully live out your purpose doing many different jobs and businesses in any number of industries. The important thing is that you understand the essence of your purpose and use the qualities of your unique genius to live out that purpose.
When we refer to your genius, we are talking about your creative genius and not your intellectual genius. Intellectual genius comes from studying and learning how to do things. You came into the world with the seeds of your creative genius and how you evolve through your life helps the seeds grow and blossom. You knew those seeds well as a child and often lived out your creative genius in play or fantasy as your first attempted to practice using them.
My grandson who is now 10, is a natural born leader. It was obvious to all of us by the time he was 4 or 5. After studying Human Design, now I know that he is a Manifestor and can naturally manage people and delegate tasks like an adult. Even at 4, he knew he was an initiator, and his “job” was to have ideas and start things, then get others on board to complete them. That was part of his genius, and it was amazing to watch him in action. His mother and I had many a chuckle watching him manage things and people, even those much older than him. He was doing what came naturally to him. He was using his genius.
Unfortunately, as we grow up, we are conditioned by parents, teachers, society, even life experiences to do certain things and do them a certain way. Often our natural genius shrinks into the background, possibly even going dormant. We can lose the essence of who we are and the awareness of our life purpose. To reactivate your natural genius, you need only become aware of it again, wake it up and have the confidence to use it. Awareness is the key.
Locating Your 4 Pillars of Genius
We find this information in your Incarnation Cross in the Human Design Chart. Your Incarnation Cross is made up of the Human Design Gates in your chart that reside in the two Sun and two Earth positions. If you look at your chart, you will find your sun in the first position in the black and red columns on either side of the body graph and your earth in the second position right under the sun. These 4 gates represent about 70% of who you are and together make up your life purpose.
You may be curious about the numbers that appear in those positions. The first number is the Gate which represents the qualities of the energy you have there and the second number after the dot is called the line. The line further refines the energy and is the code for your genius.
The four pillars of your genius found in your Incarnation Cross are:
- Your Life’s Work, (in the Black Sun position) also a key part of your purpose.
- Your Evolution or what you’re here to learn, (in the Black Earth position).
- Your Radiance or your vitality and intuition (in the Red Sun Position).
- and finally, your Purpose (in the Red Earth position).
This probably sounds a little complex and it can be, but it is worth getting help understanding yours because it opens and activates how you came here to be and the attributes of your creative genius.
There is a lot of good information to tap into here. For example, I have Gate 8 in my Black Sun. My Life Purpose is ‘to push the boundaries of authentic self-expression’ and use this expression to inspire others to fulfill themselves. Being myself, having my experiences along the road of life and sharing them to inspire others is what I am here to do. My Gate and Line numbers are 8.6. The 6 is the line and that makes me a natural born teacher. My genius is that I see further than others and understand that people have different gifts that will emerge on their own with a little inspiration.
How This Translates to Your Business Genius
So now that you know my first Pillar of Genius and how it lines up with my Life Purpose, can you see how I use my Coaching business to teach and inspire others? I could have used art or music or some other mode to reach others and inspire them, but I chose Coaching and Teaching because they allow me to express my Life Purpose using one of my 4 Pillars of Genius.
My Evolution Pillar of Genius has the energy of Gate 14.6, The Powerhouse. I am meant to learn how to use my natural skills to create bounteous prosperity and a powerful reserve of expansive resources for others. Again, coaching people to have an abundant business fits nicely with this pillar of Genius because I use teaching to help me share this information with clients.
Knowing this information helps me see where I am on track and where I might want to tweak my business, products, and services to make better use of my Pillars of Genius so I can better serve my clients.
Your Natural Skills and Talents
Your Human Design Chart gives you practical information about your natural skills and talents too. As an example, the chart tells you how strong you are in Management as there are certain energies that represent energies that are valuable and necessary in management. When you have them defined in your chart, you have these areas consistently which will give you additional support in a management role.
We can see what energies you have around Interaction. These energies center around how you work with others for the good of all and how you communicate. The chart also shows us your energies around Innovation, Logic and recognizing patterns, giving Direction, even Competitiveness. We can gain insight into a variety of skills such as visionary skills, networking, marketing, leadership, administration, people, or project oversight, etc.
Human Design is a powerful tool to help you awaken the real you and bring forward any skills, talents, and genius that have been overshadowed by what others have told you to do. Whatever business you own or career you have can be enhanced by tapping into this insight and incorporating it into how you operate. Once you become aware of your genius and re-awaken it, you will find the process of being yourself to be easy and freeing. All it takes is the confidence and trust to be your authentic self. When you operate from your authentic self, you live a more purposeful life in the highest expression of who you came here to be. You will find it easier to attract your right clients as a business owner. You will find it instinctive to serve your clients at the highest level, no matter what business you own or field you work in. You will slip into the ease and flow of a business or career that uses your talents and feeds your soul.
I’d be honored to support you in discovering your Life Purpose and Pillars of Genius. Schedule your Divine Life Story Human Design Reading today. Schedule it here.