As an entrepreneur and a business owner, you know how important it is to differentiate your business from other businesses that provide the same or similar services in the marketplace. This is especially true if you are operating in the crowded online space. Online you have a wider reach, but you also have more competitors.
Your marketing message, where you place your message, and how you get people to notice it are key. What makes you different? Why should a potential client pick your business over your competitor? How are the benefits and results of what you provide better. We spend a lot of time, money, and effort trying to get this piece right. It can mean the difference between a struggling business and a successful one and most business owners struggle with this.
Human Design teaches us that we are naturally different from everyone else, unique in our thinking, our approach, and our actions. Each of us is divinely designed as one of a kind. Energetically, we are wired to operate in a unique way, have a unique soul purpose, and a unique set of natural skills and talents to support us in living out our purpose. We each have a unique energetic footprint, energetic chemistry, and aura that others feel from us, even online.
The important thing to remember is that your service business starts with you. Your ideas, your products, and services, how you run your business, how you attract, treat, and keep your clients are all based on your values, your beliefs, and how you approach work and life. Leveraging your uniqueness and pouring that into your business and your marketing is the best way for you and your business to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
Unfortunately, we have all been told and taught to do things a certain way and it has clouded our view into what makes us unique. We have cast aside parts of ourselves that are different because it is not the prescribed way to have success and in doing so, we have eliminated what makes us stand out naturally.
Find Your Natural Differentiators in Your Human Design
All we really need to do to differentiate ourselves and our businesses in the marketplace is to be ourselves and do things the way that comes natural for us. Differentiation is the natural order of things. It is less about creating a unique approach than it is about remembering your natural approach using Human Design.
The Human Design Energy Types and Their Strategies for Attracting Clients
You are one of 5 Human Design Energy Types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Each type has a different Strategy that helps you understand how you are wired to operate in the world.
- The MANIFESTOR has initiating energy. Manifestors are here to get the ball rolling by inspiring others into action, leading change and getting things started. They can be driven, powerful and impulsive. They have bursts of energy, but their energy is not sustainable so a 9-5 workday can be challenging. They are starters not necessarily finishers. They have an internal creative flow that makes them more of an individual contributor than a team player. People can’t tell what a Manifestor is thinking so sometimes people get confused or lose interest. Their strategy is to inform others around what they are doing. Keeping people in the loop helps inspire others and enroll them in your ideas.
- The GENERATOR has magnetic energy. They draw ideas in and build them into reality. They have an innate ability to see the next step, but they must have patience and wait for something to respond to before implementing. They are energetic, self-aware, and have sustainable energy for work and life. The world of work was made for the Generator. They can just keep going and going, working the long hours, but they must have passion for the work they are doing to be successful. The Generator’s strategy is to respond to the right work, work they are passionate about and master it. Their magnetic energy draws others to them. Their passion inspires and enrolls others.
- The MANIFESTING GENERATOR has fast acting energy. Like the Generators, they are the builders of the world and are here to work and become masters of their work. They are energetic multitaskers and have sustainable energy for work and life. They can skip steps because of their speed so they need to check and recheck their work. They need to have multiple projects going on simultaneously. If forced to do one thing they can become bored and less invested in the outcome. First and foremost, they are Generators, and their Strategy is to respond.
- The PROJECTOR has penetrating energy. Projectors are here to guide and direct others. They intuitively see the potential and blocks in people and understand how to correct them. They are insightful, intuitive and need periods of rest as they do not have sustainable energy. The 9-5 workday is not easy for projectors. Projectors are most effective when they have help with the details of running their business so they can conserve their energy to focus on being the visionary and delivering their services. Like the Generators, they don’t have initiating energy. Their Strategy requires that they be invited to participate. They must wait for an invitation or to be recognized or they run the risk of repelling clients.
- The REFLECTORS have mirror energy. Reflectors are wise observers and reflect to humanity how we are doing. They are passionate, sensitive, and unique, making up less than 1% of the population. Their decision making process can take an entire lunar cycle. This may not be honored by the fast moving, decisive business world, but they can do anything they have the energy for. They feed on having the right people around them so work best with teams. Their Strategy is to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.
Discovering your Soul Purpose and your natural skills and talents is a bit more complicated and best handled by getting a Human Design Reading from a Certified Practitioner who can guide you through a complete understanding of your chart. It is well worth the effort so you can peel back the layers of who you have been taught to be and get reacquainted with the authentic you. Being yourself and letting that authentic you show up in all your business activities including your marketing is the key to standing out in a crowded marketplace.