Business Success With Human Design

Airs on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network, Thursdays at 7am, 7pm Eastern or Download and Listen Anytime.
You were born with a unique path and purpose and it’s all in your Human Design. Liberate yourself from the business paradigms that keep you stuck and struggling by unlocking YOUR divine design. Live your life and pursue your business based on who you were born to be and how you were born to serve.
Through the lens of Human Design, we discuss how to peel back the layers of who you have been taught to be and how you have been told to do business, moving you from overwhelm to a business model that aligns with your authentic self, allows you to have success your way, and returns you to the joy of running a business that feeds your soul.
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Episode 1 – What is a Human Design Reading with guest Linda Joy.
Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, tune in to this episode and discover how Human Design can help you in your business. Join me for my interview with Linda Joy, Sacred Visibility Catalyst and Best Selling Publisher of books and Aspire Magazine as we discuss how she used her Human Design Reading in her business,
Episode 2 – The Business Stories We Tell Ourselves and How They Limit Our Success.
Join me as I talk with Carrie Rowan, Award-Winning Singer/Songwriter and Best Selling Author of the book, Tell a New Story: 5 Simple Steps to Release Your Negative Stories and Bring Joy To Your Life. Join our lively conversation about how we can use our Human Design to become aware of the negative stories we tell and how we can change them for a positive impact in our businesses and our lives.

The best gift you can give your clients is to listen to them, understand them, and help them understand themselves. Many people struggle to feel seen and heard. In this episode, my guest, Robin Winn and I talk about how Human Design can help you better serve your clients.
Robin Winn, MFT, is a writer, speaker, transformational coach, founder and director of Human Design Certification Training for Professionals. She is also the Best Selling author of Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology among other Human Design titles.
Everyone is a leader and most of us strive to be a better one. Join me in my discussion with Kristin Panek, bestselling author of the book, Lead By Design, as we explore how you can use Human Design to uncover how you are designed to lead. Step powerfully and confidently into your role as a leader and gain new insight into leading others through this fresh look at leadership. Kristin has been supporting and developing leaders for over 40 years and shares how you can be a better leader by aligning with your Human Design.

Join me as I interview Lisa Hromada, successful business owner, on how she used her Human Design Reading and the Human Design 101 Training Program to make positive shifts in her business, her life, and her family. Having a Human Design Reading is a great first step and recommended for all, but the real power of Human Design is when you use the awareness and the clarity you receive to make positive changes by aligning yourself and how you are doing business with how you are energetically wired. Listen in to the wise insights Lisa gleaned from her Human Design learning experience and discover how you can use Human Design to make a difference for yourself in your business, your relationships, and your life. Lisa can be found at