In business we talk a lot about strategy. We develop client attraction strategies, marketing strategies, sales strategies, and growth strategies. This is a necessary part of our planning process as business owners and it often requires that we do things to execute our strategies that feel hard, forced, and overwhelming. That may be because these business strategies are not aligned with your Human Design Strategy.
What is Your Human Design Strategy?
Human Design Strategy refers to how you are naturally wired energetically to best navigate the world for fulfillment and success. When you follow your Human Design Strategy and use your energy as you are meant to, executing your plans feels easier. Things flow and the success you will achieve, the fulfillment you feel will soar. It is important to understand your energetic strategy and align your business strategies with your Human Design Strategy to give you and your business the best chance of success.
There are 4 Human Design Strategies, and they are unique to each energy type.
- To Inform for Manifestors
- To Respond for Generators
- To Be Invited or Recognized for Projectors
- To Wait a Lunar Cycle for Reflectors
The 4 Strategies and How to Align with Them
To Inform is the strategy for Manifestors. They are the only type that has initiating energy. They can start projects and execute plans without any external signs. They are idea people and can run with a new idea generated inside their heads. However, other types find their initiating energy disturbing and can be caught off guard by a change or resist the ideas a Manifestor is proposing. A Manifestor Type is best served when they inform others of their plans so people can prepare. This is not asking for approval. It is simply informing but it paves the path for the Manifestor to put their new thoughts out into the world in a way that generates interest and acceptance rather than resistance.
To Respond is the strategy for all Generators. Generators do not have initiating energy and when they put an idea or execute a plan in the world without responding to an external cue or sign, their ideas and plans often go unnoticed. Generators need to be scanning their environment for something to respond to. It can be a question, a problem, an opportunity, or a gut reaction to something in their outer environment but it cannot be an idea that came out of their own head. Generators have magnetized energy and they will naturally pull things to respond to into their energy field. This strategy requires that Generators have patience and wait for something they are passionate about to come into their field of view. Waiting can be hard because it is not how we are taught to operate. However, Generators will have much better outcomes when they create their plans and execute them in response to something outside of themselves.
To Be Invited or Recognized is the strategy for Projectors. Like Generators, Projectors do not have initiating energy. They need to wait for an invitation or to be recognized and called out to make their contribution. Projectors are highly insightful and eager to share what they know with others. They can see other people’s potential, the possibilities, and people’s blocks. When a Projector shares without being invited or asked, their insight can fall on deaf ears or even repel the people they are trying to help. Waiting is difficult. But waiting for an invitation that may never come can be excruciating for a Projector and can cause them to become bitter if they feel their insights are not welcomed.
To Wait a Whole Lunar Cycle is the right strategy for Reflectors. Reflectors need to gain perspective. They must be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people to make their impact. Remaining open and waiting for the right timing is the strategy that will bring them the most success.
How to Align Your Natural Human Design Strategy with Your Business Strategy for Greater Results
You may have noticed that divine timing is an important component of Human Design Strategy. The waiting can be difficult, and it flies in the face of how we are told to do business. We live in a ‘Just Do It’ business world. But mastering the timing piece will make the difference between great success and no success. Do what feels right for you. When you pay attention to your body and your gut feelings, you will get the signs you need to tell you when and how to move forward. We all need to remember how to tune in to ourselves and listen to our own messages rather than doing was others suggest, especially if what they suggest is not in sync with our energy.
Does that mean you should never listen to what the experts tell you? No, certainly not. There are many good ideas and strategies out there that everyone can use. The secret to success is in how you implement the strategies. That is the piece that must be in alignment with your Human Design Energy Type and Strategy.
Manifestors can initiate whenever they want to. Timing is less of a factor for them, but they should still check in with their gut or their intuition to feel into whether what they want to do feels right. Once they feel it is right, they can move forward but their first step to ensure success must be to inform those that will be a part of their plan and those that will be impacted by it of what they are doing. Again, this is not asking permission or seeking approval, this is just informing. If Manifestors do not get a positive response to what they are proposing, it does not mean they shouldn’t do it. They may need to continue to inform and explain to help further understanding and make sure there is no miscommunication but if their gut tells them to move forward, they should trust their gut.
Generators and Manifesting Generators must have something to respond to that comes from outside themselves. It should be something they are passionate about because Generators are here to learn to master the work, they have passion for. Passion is a key component because when a Generator is passionate, they naturally share that passion. Passionate people are contagious, and that helps to make them attractive to others around what they are doing. I’m often asked what a Generator should do while they are waiting to respond. Generators should prepare to implement by putting all the pieces together so that when the timing is right, they are ready. One of those pieces is to talk about and share their passion and build buzz around their work.
Manifesting Generators have the added need to inform as well as respond. They need to respond first and then inform those impacted before they put any plans into action just as the Manifestor does.
Projectors have it the hardest. They need to get their plans ready and then wait to be invited to share them. This invitation may not come so a Projector can “seed” the conversation around the problem or opportunity to get others interested enough to ask the Projector to share more. Think of it as a teaser, like a movie trailer. The movie studio “seeds” the conversation with the movie trailer to gain interest in the movie. The resulting buzz creates audiences of people who want more, and it prompts them to go to the theatre and see the movie.
If you lay out your plans and are ready to put them into motion, check in with yourself. Does your plan include your Human Design Strategy of Informing, Responding, Waiting for an Invitation, or Being in the Right Place at the Right Time? Have you checked in with yourself regarding right timing? Are you listening to yourself or forging ahead without honoring your Human Design Strategy? You have the answers. To align your Business Strategy with your Human Design Strategy, it is simply a matter of listening to what your higher self is telling you through your body and trusting it.