Think Like An Entrepreneur To Secure Your Career
I have consulted with a number of business owners and I can’t tell you how many of them have expressed their frustration in finding, hiring and keeping good employees. They want people who will think, take the initiative, recognize problems and create solutions. They want people that can share the company vision for the business and help contribute to success. They want people that can think like an owner. I call it is Personal Entrepreneurship™. These skills and strategies will be welcomed and valued by employers. The ability to look to the future, anticipate opportunities and threats have always been critical skills for Entrepreneurs and now they are critical skills for those that work for others.
Before the Industrial Revolution, most people worked their farms or worked in cottage industries. There were some people who had jobs like the waitress in a restaurant or the clerk in the market. But most people didn’t leave the home and go to work until the factories sprung up in this country during the Industrial Revolution. We used to be the epitome of Personal Entrepreneurship™, trying to support our families and way of life on what value we had and could share with the marketplace. In the last 100 years, we have unlearned these skills and have become dependent on having a job. It is time to re-learn these skills.
What if the concept of the job disappeared? We have started to see this happen in manufacturing because of technology and cheaper labor elsewhere in the world. We saw it happen in professional jobs in the big recession of 2006. It is more common to work from home now. We have more and more online stores and even check out our own groceries or buy them online and get them delivered. The concept of the job is changing.
Imagine how you would make a living if there were no jobs. I’m not saying that will happen, but I am saying you have to learn to think like a Personal Entrepreneur™ so you can continue to meet your life goals no matter how the economy or the job landscape changes.
So how do you get from where you are to where you want to be, a place where you can make the money you want, have the security you want, spot the opportunities you need to be successful? You need that clear picture of where you are, where you want to go and the gap you have to cross to get there.
Take the time to make a short, middle and long-range plan for yourself. We don’t consider what we WANT to do, just what we can do, should do, must do or how what we have done matches up to what’s available. We put ourselves last. We don’t align what we do with our values, our wants, our needs, we just keep plodding forward looking for the money and that is the main reason many of us are unhappy and lack motivation at work.
That is why in my work with clients we develop their Personal Power Profile™, to help you get clarity on what the market sees in you, to open up the possibilities you may not have seen before and work on getting your “product” (the value you bring to the job) defined and give you new ways to talk about it that will resonate with employers, including your current employer.
That is the mindset that I call Personal Entrepreneurship™ and it allows you to stay gainfully employed in a lucrative career that serves you and your employer.
If you would like to learn more about Personal Entrepreneurship and the course I have developed to help employees gain those skills, schedule a time to connect by clicking here.
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Nancy O’Keefe, MBA,, MS is a Leaderhip Coach, Speaker, and Author of the book “Unlimited Talent: What Every CEO Needs To Know To Win The Workforce War”. She works with businesspeople facing business or career uncertainty to get clarity of purpose and certainty on their next steps so they can change their business life to align with who they are and what they want. She is a thought leader in strategy, leadership, and cultivating talent. She can be found at